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How much do I owe in overdue fines?

As of December 2021, Flora Public Library no longer charges overdue fines.  We also retroactively deleted any fines that were accrued before that date.  The library still charges for lost or damaged materials.

Do I have to have a library card to come into the library?

No, you do not need a library card to visit the library and use the facilities.  You only need a library card to take library materials out of the library, use the digital services (Libby or CloudLibrary) or to borrow materials on interlibrary loan.

How many items can I check out and for how long?

View the Loan Schedule on our Plans & Policies page here.

Do you have printers that I can use to print something?

View our printing services on the Library Services page here.

Is the library handicap accessible?

The library is completely handicap accessible.