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Amazon Smile for Flora Public Library

Amazon Smile

Support the Flora Public Library While You Shop!!!

Now you can shop for your favorite Amazon items and help Flora Public Library at the same time!! AmazonSmile is an easy and automatic way to support your favorite charity or non-profit organization while shopping!! There is absolutely no cost for shoppers to participate in Amazon Smile!

To help the library:

  1. Shop at, where the convenience, selection and low prices are the same as The exciting thing is that when you shop at AmazonSmile, Amazon will donate 0.5% of the purchase price to the charity you have chosen. There are almost a million organizations to choose from. Flora Public Library is one of them!!!
  2. The first time you go to, choose the organization you wish to support from the list and save.
  3. Make sure when you shop, you are on the website and the name of your charitable organization appears below the search bar.
  4. More information about AmazonSmile may be found at

Thank you for choosing the library to receive your “smiles”!

Please share this post with all of your friends to help spread the news!

Thank you!! Happy shopping!!
