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Flora Public Library Awarded Three Grants


Flora Public Library was recently awarded three grants.

Grant #1: Flora Public Library – Digital Network Enhancement

For the Digital Network Enhancement grant, the Flora Public Library was awarded $2,265.00. With this grant, the Library plans to expand and enhance the existing digital network to facilitate more speed and reliability for patron access. A primary target for this grant is local elementary through high school students who have inadequate Internet service to do distance education. Additional targets are other students in the county and individuals working from home. Improved digital access will also be a core service for all existing and future patrons.

Grant funds will be used to enhance the current digital infrastructure by upgrading existing network equipment and internet service. The enhancement will provide a higher level of digital service, both inside and outside of the library walls, at a time when superior remote access is critical.

We expect to complete this project by the end of February. Watch local media and social media for updates.

Funding for this grant was awarded by the Illinois State Library, a Department of the Office of the Secretary of State, using funds provided by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services, under the provisions of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.

Grant #2: Flora Public Library: Back to Books – MP3 Audiobook Collection

The Flora Public Library was awarded $4,900.00 for the Back to Books – MP3 Audiobook Collection grant. The Library plans to establish an MP3 audiobook collection that will benefit all present and future patrons in Clay County. Grant funds will be used to establish an MP3 audiobook collection to replace the existing outdated books on CD. Popular and bestselling MP3 audiobooks will be selected based on recommended titles in fiction, non-fiction, and biographies. Emphasis will be placed on fiction, bestsellers, and popular authors. Books on MP3 will be promoted to seniors as well as all other adult patrons. The MP3 format was chosen to accommodate patrons who have CD capability and will find the audio component appealing.

We expect to complete this project by the end of February. Watch local media and social media for updates.

Funding for this Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grant is provided to the Illinois State LibrarySecretary of State, by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), through the Grants to State Libraries Administrative Agencies program.

Grant #3: Flora Public Library: Personal Protective Equipment

The third grant the Flora Public Library received is for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The Library was awarded $500.00 through this grant.

The Library has purchased a handheld HygenX Vray Portable UV Sterilizer. With this unit, library staff can quickly sterilize hard-to-clean items in the library, including keyboards, touchscreens, and furniture. The unit works with UV-C light that kills 99.9% of bacteria and features an auto-shutoff for safety if the unit should be tilted more than 30 degrees in either direction. Using this sterilizer to sanitize items that cannot be sprayed or moistened will make library cleaning for COVID-19 much more efficient and fast.

Three acrylic shields have also been purchased for the circulation desk. Both PPE items will improve and enhance the library’s efforts to prevent and respond to COVID-19.

Funding for this grant was awarded by the Illinois State Library, a Department of the Office of the Secretary of State, using funds provided by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services, under the provisions of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.
